Emergency Survival Kits
The easiest and most convenient way to prepare yourself for a disaster is to have a kit assembled and stored somewhere for easy access. Our Emergency Survival Kits are filled with the equipment you may need to handle the situation at hand whenever a catastrophe may strike. We offer an assortment of kits fitted to different needs, from basic and deluxe units, to those for the classroom and pets. Remember, you can never be too prepared!
- 1 Person Necessity Survival Kit, SKGK-BBPSKU#: SKGK-BBP
- 2 Person Comfort Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKT2-BWBSKU#: SKT2-BWB
- 2 Person Comfort Survival Kit, Backpack, SKT2-BBPSKU#: SKT2-BBP
- 3 Person Comfort Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKT3-BWBSKU#: SKT3-BWB
- 4 Person Comfort Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, Red, SKT4-BWBSKU#: SKT4-BWB
- Bucket Survival Kit for 2 People, GOK2PSKU#: GOK2P
- Bucket Survival Kit for 4 People, GOK4PSKU#: GOK4P
- 2 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Backpack, SKG2-BBPSKU#: SKG2-BBP
- 2 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKG2-BWBSKU#: SKG2-BWB
- Elite Bug Out Bag, Camo Backpack, SKBB1-BCMSKU#: SKBB1-BCM
- Elite Bug Out Bag, Camo Wheel Bag, SKBB1-BWB-CMSKU#: SKBB1-BWB-CM
- 3 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Backpack, SKG3-BBPSKU#: SKG3-BBP
- 3 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKG3-BWBSKU#: SKG3-BWB
- 4 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Backpack, SKG4-BBPSKU#: SKG4-BBP
- 4 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKG4-BWBSKU#: SKG4-BWB
- 5 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKG5-BWBSKU#: SKG5-BWB
- 6 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKG6-BWBSKU#: SKG6-BWB
- 1 Person Necessity Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKGK-BWBSKU#: SKGK-BWB
- 5 Person Comfort Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKT5-BWBSKU#: SKT5-BWB
- 6 Person Comfort Survival Kit, Wheel Bag, SKT6-BWBSKU#: SKT6-BWB