Disaster & Survival

Worried about Coronavirus/COVID-19 infection? We have Pandemic Protection items. Protect yourself!

Survival Gear: Disaster, Emergency Preparedness, Camping & Survival Supply
72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Supplies for Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado, Twister, Nuclear Disasters, Wilderness Survival & More… C.E.R.T. & F.E.M.A. Disaster, Survival, & Preparation!

Think about preparedness; at home, at work, at school, even in your car. What should you do? Check your Emergency Plan and Evacuation Routes everywhere you normally spend time. Make sure you have an out of State contact for you, your friends and your family (long distance phone service is usually restored before local - and mobile services and internet will likely not work in a major disaster.) Of course, you should Check your Emergency Supplies, too:

  • Count your stock... is it enough?
  • Check your expiration dates (food, water, batteries)
  • Keep cash on hand
  • Don't let your gas tank get below half-full
  • Think-Plan-Prepare-Survive!
  • Don't wait until disaster strikes. Be prepared for Spring and Summer Natural Catastrophes.

Image of an emergency survival kit in a port a potty bucket with food, water and supplies

Disaster Kits

Survival Kits For Emergency Disaster Preparedness

Image of long lasting emergency food rations

Food & Water

Emergency Food Rations & Water Supply

Image of a two person emergency sleeping bag and a Mylar Solar Emergency Space Blanket

Shelter & Sleeping

Emergency Blankets, Tents, Canopies, Tarps & More

Image of whistles and short-range radio walkie talkies

Signal & Messaging

Devices for Signaling & Communicating in Emergencies

Image of a Swiss Army style knife showing the concept of a multi-function tool

Survival Tools

Fire Starters, Survival Knives, SOL, Leatherman & much more

Graphical portrayal through photos of a flashlight and waterproof matches showing the need for light and warmth in an emergency

Emergency Heat & Light

Warmers, Heating, Candles-Flashlights-Lanterns-GlowSticks

Image of the CERT (Community Emergecy Response Team) Logo in an ebroidered PAtch (to siginify that First Aid Mart Carries a full line of C.E.R.T.Gear)

CERT Gear & Supplies

CERT Kits & vests, caps, shirts, logo patches, fieldbooks +

Image of an American Red Cross Emergency Disaster Supplies kit with contents spread out to show all thetypes of food, water, emergency shelter and signaling required in an earthquake or other disaster.

Red Cross Supplies

American Red Cross Emergency Kits: Be Red Cross Ready

Image of the four stages of Triage: Minor delayed care / can delay up to three hours - Delayed urgent care / can delay up to one hour - Immediate immediate care / life-threatening - Deceased (Morgue) victim is dead or mortally wounded / no care

Triage & Incident Command

S.T.A.R.T. Triage Tags, Tape, Kits + ICS Gear and Supplies

Image of Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitizer - to show the importance of considering sanitation needs in gering up for emergencies and disaster survival

Sanitation & Hygiene

Personal Hygiene Kits, Toilets & Chemicals + Sanitary Items

AAA Emergency Roadside Kit image to depict the need to prepare personal and company vehicles for emergency situations - emergencies occur while away from home adnd work as well.

Roadside+Auto Emergency

Auto Emergency Survival Kits, Roadside Tools & Survival Items

Imageof two empty backas - building an emergency disasster preparedness and survival kit starts with considering what to pack all your gear in!

Empty Bags & Containers

Backpacks, Duffels, Buckets and Rolling kits to build your own

Photo of a Search and Rescue kit showing the typical SAR Gear needs such as; helmet, ropes, etc.

SAR Gear: Rescue Stuff

Search & Rescue Kits and Essential SAR Provisions

Cute picture of a dog wearing a stethoscope.

Disaster Supplies for Pets

Disaster Emergency Kits for Dogs and Cats + Survival Food

Image of a FIre Extinguisher and a Fireman's Axe to signify preparedness for fires and evacuation

Fire Safety & Evacuation

Caution Tapes, Escape Masks & Ladders + Fire Safety Gear

Image of survival guides and DVDs - learn about preparedness, sheltering in place, and survival

Survival Guides & Videos

Disaster Planning Books, Checklists & Videos for Survival

Image showing a bright and highlt visible safety vest with reflective strips

Hi-Vis Safety Vests

CERT Vests & Bright Reflective Safety Vests for Visibility

Image of a EMT/Paramedic style Trauma REsponse go Bag with the typical emergency medical equipment required for field traums rescue.

Trauma & Field Medicine

1st Aid, Trauma, Responder, Field Medical & Mass Casualty

First Aid
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