Disaster, Survival, Preparation

Be Aware Take Action To Prepare
Survival Gear: Disaster, Emergency Preparedness, Camping & Survival Supply
72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Supplies for Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado, Twister, Nuclear Disasters, Wilderness Survival & More… C.E.R.T. & F.E.M.A.
Disaster, Survival, & Preparation! 
Residents, emergency managers and tourists in Washington and Oregon have a new tool to help with tsunami preparedness. TsunamiEvac-NW is a new smartphone app that shows users:

  • Evacuation zones where they live, work, or go to school;
  • Helps people plan evacuation routes; and
  • Maps important locations, buildings, and landmarks nearby.

The website and app both report active warnings and watches, provide information tsunami on signs, and explain evacuation and sheltering best practices. There are also printable community brochures available that:

  • Map the local coastline;
  • Explain the difference between distant and local tsunamis; and
  • Provide instructions on what to do and what not to do, among other useful features.

It also displays the locations of fire departments, hospitals, tsunami warning sirens and assembly areas for evacuation. Users may switch between different views (road, satellite, terrain, etc.) and use the app’s tools to develop their own family emergency plan and kit.

This app is available for both iPhone and Android users for free. Download it today!


Think about preparedness; at home, at work, at school, even in your car.
What should you do? Check your Emergency Plan and Evacuation Routes everywhere you normally spend time. Make sure you have an out of State contact for you, your friends and your family (long distance phone service is usually restored before local - and mobile services and internet will likely not work in a major disaster.)
Of course, you should Check your Emergency Supplies, too:

  • Count your stock... is it enough?
  • Check your expiration dates (food, water, batteries)
  • Keep cash on hand
  • Don't let your gas tank get below half-full
  • Think-Plan-Prepare-Survive!