BE PREPARED FOR SPRING & SUMMER NATURAL CATASTROPHES Spring and Summer are certainly two joyous seasons. From the perfume of fresh flowers blooming & the symphony of birds chirping, to the scent of sunblock & sand between your toes... Although, most do not consider that natural catastrophes such as severe weather, floods, extreme heat, and wildfires are very likely during...
Severe weather can strike at any time. Are you prepared? April showers bring May flowers, but you should be prepared for possible severe spring weather, too. This can include tornadoes, lightning, and floods. Prepare your family for spring weather hazards while at home or traveling with information from the National Weather Service. Learn how to prepare and respond to the...
We are pleased to have been featured in Phoenix Contact's Spring SafetyLine edition. Safety Line is a A Phoenix Contact publication on safety and related issues distributed to employees their approximately 12,900 employees in 50 international subsidiaries. The newsletter is to help their employees at work and at home. Their publication of "An unpredictable spring" featured our articles on Thunderstorms Tornadoes Flooding Wildfires...
Remember that Spring is about change. It can also mean surprises - be sure you are ready... Spring hazards include: Severe Weather Tornadoes (Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding – Disasters Abound – Be Ready.) Floods (Spring Flooding / Flood Risk can be highest now as we approach Summer) Lightning (Lightning Kills / When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!) Tsunamis Rip Currents/Beach Hazards Heat Even Snow! Read Spring Weather...
Tornado Preparedness is essential for dwellers of Tornado Alley, but did you know that Tornadoes are common occurrences nationwide? Tornadoes are not just in silver-screen epics and they are devastatingly dangerous phenomena. As Weather Ready Nation Ambassadors, we remind you that in the past 10 years, 49 states have come under a tornado warning. While tornadoes can strike almost anywhere...
Having a FEMA safe room or International Code Council 500 storm shelter in your home or small business can help provide near-absolute protection for your family or employees during extreme weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes, but safe rooms must be built correctly to ensure occupants are protected from injury or death. In the FEMA publication, “Taking Shelter from...
Weather Emergencies are serious and prevalent as our climate changes. Over the past 2 years alone there have been 25 serious weather disaster emergencies in the US, causing almost 200 billion dollars in damage, Many families, businesses, and individuals were not prepared and over 1,000 dies and many more suffered. Weather disaster can include tropical storms and hurricanes, tornadoes, floods...
Readiness - It's a state of preparedness AND a state of mind. But one cannot be mentally prepared if not physically prepared, trained, and equipped for sudden exigencies. “I didn’t think it was gonna be as bad as it was, to be honest. I didn’t think that if we lost power, it would be as long as we actually lost...
Are you a Prepper? You should be. The Ready Campaign established four universal building blocks of emergency preparedness: Be informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit and Get Involved. America’s PrepareAthon! builds on this foundation by encouraging millions of Americans to focus on a simple, specific activity that will increase preparedness. America’s PrepareAthon! a new national community-based campaign for action...
Where are you? What's your concern? Are you sure? Not everyone really knows their risks. How does one prepare for what is unknown? Hurricanes cause inland flooding. Earthquakes happen everywhere. (It's not just we Californians that needs to prepare for a shake!) Know the particulars for all natural disasters including; Drought, Earthquakes, Extreme Heat, Floods, Hurricanes, Landslides, Debris Flow, Severe Weather...
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