WeVape talked about the escalation of e-cigarette use in teens, as well as hookahs and how this leads to life long health matters as well as being a gateway to smoking regular cigarettes. Now, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) gives us updated statistics:
  • More than 18 million US middle and high school youth were exposed to e-cigarette ads in 2014, according to the latest Vital Signs report.
  • Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements might be contributing to increases in e-cigarette use among youth.
States and communities can use proven approaches to prevent youth from using tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.

Reducing Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure

a blue sign that reads This is a smoke free building Tobacco use is responsible for more than 430,000 deaths each year and is the largest cause of preventable morbidity and mortality in the United States (CDC) External Web Site Icon. In Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs External Web Site Icon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends statewide programs that combine and coordinate community-based interventions that focus on the following areas.
  1. Preventing initiation of tobacco use among youth and young adults
  2. Promoting quitting among adults and youth
  3. Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke, and
  4. Identifying and eliminating tobacco-related disparities among population groups