CERT-30The further away we get from major tragedies like 9/11, Katrina, Sandy, and Joplin - the more complacent we get. Don't fall vicitm to a false sense of security. National Preparedness Month begins tomorrow, and it is essential that we each prepare for disaster, this includes stocking essential survival gear, making a plan, and communicating that plan to others. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of CERT - Community Emergency Response Teams know how critical communication is and understand the deeper meaning of this year's NPM theme “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.”fema-npm-2016-logo-disaster-survival Don't let National Preparedness Month slip by without making your own efforts, to prepare, plan and share - at home, at work, at school. Here are some helpful dates to consider:

Dates for Your Calendar

Learn more about CERT: History of the CERT ProgramFEMA 101: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)