Mosquitoes are responsible for more deaths than any other creature on the planet. This comes to mind at present because of the current Zika Scare, but it has been a known fact for a long time. Mosquitoes are harbingers of death - they carry West Nile Virus, Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, La Crosse Encephalitis, and many other gnarly diseases. More reading: World Mosquito Day, The Best...
With the Zika Buzz going on, a lot of our readers and customer are asking "What is Permethrin?" (CDC recommends treating clothing and gear with permethrin or purchase permethrin-treated items to avoid mosquito bites.) Important is that there are no known risks to pregnancy from permethrin! According to the National Pesticide Information Center: Permethrin is an insecticide in the pyrethroid family...
There's a lot of hype around the Zika Virus, and just like when everyone was panicking over Ebola last year, there'a a lot of media exaggeration, social rumor, and misinformation out there. What is Zika? Zika virus disease exhibits symptoms including fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a...
People who aren't dressed properly for extremely cold temperatures or who have reduced blood circulation are especially at risk for frostbite. Sound like common sense? It is, but people often overlook the simplest ways to stay safe and healthy... Avoid Cold Stress and Cold Related Injuries - Learn how to recognize frostbite and what to do about it: Frostbite is...
As we delve into the depths of Winter, We want to remind you each to take a moment to remind yourself and others to prepare for Winter temperatures, whether you are working in a Winter Wonderland, traveling this Winter, or just need a refresher on Winter Safety. The Extreme Cold Prevention Guide combines all of the key content of the CDC Winter Weather...
We've shared information about what you should know about Tuberculosis, as well as Tuberculosis safety and information. This is an important matter, since TB threatens to kill 75 million people. Now the CDC tells us how we can beat this killer. With a half million new cases each year, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is spreading around the globe. The world must act decisively. There can...
We talked about the escalation of e-cigarette use in teens, as well as hookahs and how this leads to life long health matters as well as being a gateway to smoking regular cigarettes. Now, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) gives us updated statistics: More than 18 million US middle and high school youth were exposed to e-cigarette ads in...
Here we are, deep into Cold & Flu Season, and thus far everyone has seemed to do a pretty good job of avoiding any serious ailments. Now BAM! The temperatures drop and it's wet outside. Are you ready to stay well? Here are some great articles about avoiding, treating, and minimizing the spread of Wintertime Colds, Coughs, and Flu: ... Cough...
Every January, people all over the world make New Year's resolutions. If you're one of the nearly 7 in 10 U.S. smokers who want to quit, why not make a resolution to get started?. It is no surprise to most people that smoking is bad for your health. Most people are aware of lung cancer and emphysema, but are you aware that...
What the New Year will mean is largely up to each of us. Sure, things happen to us, but it is really who we are and how we handle them that determines the impact of how things transpire. Make this a "Power Year" wash away your bad habits and smile at every obstacle, take on every challenge, and do everything...
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