First Aid Mart Team

  1. 4 Safety Tips When You’re Home During A Robbery
    Categories: General Safety Topics

    4 Safety Tips When You’re Home During A Robbery

    It has happened to almost everyone. They wake up to a strange noise in the house. Most of the time, it’s simply the heater turning on, the walls settling or an appliance running. But what about the case where there is an intruder? Is it smart to grab a baseball bat and investigate? Attempt to scare him off straight away...
  2. Christmas in July
    Categories: General Safety Topics

    Christmas in July

    It's Back! (But it won't last long in this sun & heat!) Get Your Gifts Now... Dashing through the snow. In a one horse open sleigh... Oh, wait...It's July! Well - SAVE anyway on dang near everything for home, work, summer fun and more! Use promo code “XJulyX” for an EXTRA 10% OFF SITEWIDE* ONLINE AT CHECKOUT or WHEN ORDERING TOLL FREE...
  3. Mandela
    Categories: Uncategorized


    Happy birthday to the late Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa. An active member in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, Mandela is one of the most famous Civil Rights activists of all time. He joined the African National Congress in 1942, a league dedicated to ending apartheid, where he participated in boycotts, strikes and other acts of "civil disobedience". In 1956 Mandela...
  4. The #1 risk factor for lung cancer
    Categories: Health Tips

    The #1 risk factor for lung cancer

    According to the Center's for Disease Control & Prevention: Cigarette smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer, and African American men have the highest rates of lung cancer in the United States. Menthol cigarette smoking is highest among African Americans—a likely effect of targeted marketing by the tobacco industry. To learn more about tobacco-related behaviors and disparities...
  5. Categories: Bleeding & Wound Care

    Bastille Day

    While we talk often about severe bleeding and  Bleeding Control, there's not a lot you can do for decapitation. Today is Bastille Day, which so often brings mental images of Marie Antoinette (she did not say "Let them eat cake", by the way) and rebels overthrowing nobility. It is our CPA's favorite day (closely followed by May the Fourth). The...
  6. Google down!
    Categories: Info News

    Google down!

    Wow... that never happens! Google is offline right now!
  7. Heat & the Elderly
    Categories: Health and First Aid Advice for Seniors

    Heat & the Elderly

    We've discussed how to keep your cool in hot weather, but what about some advice for older people on staying safe in hot weather? Since the risk of heat-related health problems increases with age, special considerations need be made. ?? Extreme Heat and Your Health Disaster Preparedness: Extreme Heat HEAT Death by Heat According to the National Institutes for Health, heat fatigue...
  8. Categories: General Safety Topics, Health and First Aid Advice for Seniors & Health Tips

    Keep Your Cool in Hot Weather

    Now is the time to prepare for the high temperatures that kill hundreds of people every year. Extreme heat caused 7,415 heat-related deaths in the United States from 1999 to 2010 . Heat-related deaths and illness are preventable, yet annually many people succumb to extreme heat. Very Very Frightening – Heat & Lightning HEAT Death by Heat Is a Heat...
  9. Community Health Simulation
    Categories: Child Safety & Community News

    Community Health Simulation

    What is a HealthSim? The community health simulation is the newest violence prevention tool on CDC's VetoViolence website. This game-like experience demonstrates the connections between violence and community issues, such as struggling businesses and schools, overcrowded jails, and long wait hours in the emergency room. The simulation puts you in the driver's seat of Vetoville. You can explore the town...
  10. Human Beauty
    Categories: Info News

    Human Beauty

    Had to share - beautiful:

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